Evolution is a Religion

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This is the final response I made to a person that I was discussing evolution and the big bang with:
First, let me commend you for not degenerating into cursing and calling me names. That is where most of my "discussions" with people who disagree with me end.

The scientific method includes careful observation, which includes rigorous skepticism about what one observes.

Let's just say I have a great deal of skepticism on the big bang and evolution. There are so many things that we could discuss and question (how the first star formed, how does something evolve while losing genetic information, etc.) However the discussion always ends up at the very beginning; what exploded and where did it come from?

For the honest person, the answer is always, "I don't know." Richard Dawkins has admitted this numerous times. But they have faith it was there and all the necessary ingredients were perfectly in place for our universe to be born.

Religion is based on faith. I have faith that God spoke the universe into existence with a single word. You have faith that everything was somehow perfectly in place for the universe to spontaneously create itself with no intelligent design. Both are based on faith, both are a religion.

I do read a lot of things I disagree with with a balance of skepticism and an open mind. I have grown from it as my positions have changed over the years. I would encourage you to do the same.

I will leave you with one link to ICR. I particularly enjoy Jake Hebert's podcasts. Dr. Hebert is Research Associate at the Institute for Creation Research and earned his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Texas at Dallas.


An additional response followed mine above. Here is the relevant portion of my reply:
>> Religion is based on faith. I have faith that God spoke the universe into
>>existence with a single word. You have faith that everything was
>>somehow perfectly in place for the universe to spontaneously create
>>itself with no intelligent design. Both are based on faith, both are a
>One of them involves anthropomorphic super natural being and the other
>has no need for it.

Religion is really about faith, not the object of faith. The object of faith determines which religion you belong to. For example:

Object of Faith => Religion
Jesus => Christian
Allah => Islam
Sun => Atonism Sun Worshipers
Unexplained mass that exploded 20b years ago => evolution

As you can see neither Atonism and evolutionism need a super natural being.

> Actually, if you look at the story you seem to believe, it kinda describes
> The Big Bang and the evolution but in super simplified form.

Actually, no. I am not a theist evolutionist. I believe in a literal 6 day creation about 6,000 years ago and a flood about 4,000 years ago that destroyed the world. And Jesus came about 2,000 years ago.

In Christ alone!
