Have you ever looked at the things happening in the world today and wondered what's going on and why so many things don't seem to make sense or add up? I did. This site will document my quest for truth as I study to shew myself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
On this journey, I will explore various topics including creation, salvation and prophecy, delving into all the books of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
Warning: Satan is the prince and power of the current world. He is also the great deceiver. As such, many things I thought were truth have turned out not to be so. I can promise you if you continue to with me in this truth journey there will be things that you disagree with and will likely upset you. It has already happened to me. I have turned this journey over to the Holy Spirit and have surrendered my will to wherever he takes me.
In Christ alone!